Sunday, June 16, 2019

Writing Classroom Transformations, Anyone?

It's hard to believe I've had my little TpT Store since 2011. For the first time this summer, I'll have the opportunity to attend the TpT Forward Conference in Austin so I can learn how to create even better resources for my students and yours! (I'm traveling alone, but I'm actually content with that since I'll be able to focus! I'm a super nerd like that.) As I mentioned in a post from last summer, The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King inspired me to take some major risks and incorporate classroom transformations this year. Believe it or not, I did SIX this year, and my students loved every minute of each one! I was blown away with how engaged they were, and yes, their long-term retention of the content. My next step is to turn at least one of these classroom transformations into an all-inclusive TpT resource so other teachers can take this awesome mode of instruction to their own ELA classrooms! I have a quick 2-question survey. Will you take a few seconds to help guide my planning?
Create your own user feedback survey

I truly appreciate your help. Anyone else going to TpT Forward this summer? Leave me a comment on this post. I'd love to network with you!